Tuesday, November 10, 2020
the sweater edit
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
novemeber 2020 moodboard
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
october 2020 moodboard
Thursday, September 17, 2020
productivity "hack" that's getting me through the new normal
It’s been a minute since I’ve sat down just to to chat with you all, I miss doing this! Obviously, given the current state of how life is operating right now, things have been pretty hectic to say the least. One thing that I have learned about myself over the last handful of months is the importance of having a routine. So before I dive any deeper into this, do me a favor & pour yourself a cup of coffee *or too*, it’s time for us to catch up!
Growing up, I never thought I would be one to thrive off of such a ridged schedule, but it does make sense that I do now looking back. We’d all wake up early, go to school for several hours, come home, snack, go to practice, activities, do homework, eat dinner, go to bed only to repeat this same cycle for the next four days of the school week. Even though I’ve always been a bit of a morning person, I distinctly remember myself a year ago wondering “how did high school us manage to do it all in one day, when college hits and you attend your only two classes do the day, take a nap, and kinda see where the night goes.” I guess that’s the allure of colleges to most people my age, the freedom and the ability to
just kinda see where the day takes you.
As soon as I went through my first week of my “new normal” for school this year, I quickly began to realize that I’m not going to have the luxury to fit all my classes, homework, and everything else in between into one or too days a week, I had to figure out another way. Well, with working a bunch of hours over the week, I realized I have no other option but to wake up at 5:45.
Yes 5:45 am, you heard me! This ungodly hour seems just as scary to you as it did to me before I got into the habit of waking up at this time, but I soon discovered the benefits of doing so it’s not as daunting. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still 21 years old and like to enjoy that aspect & happen to let time slip away here and there, but call me crazy but I weirdly love this new routine. I’m now somehow managing to wake up, go for a run, watch a few lectures, go to work for 8 hours, come back and finish other things I was working on and still manage to be a grandma for the most part and be in bed my 9:30 latest.
Maybe this will be the encouragement you needed to take the extra step to start getting up earlier and start showing up for yourself by carving out more time for doing what you need to do! Or maybe this is simply me ranting on about seeing as though I’m productive ahhh.. (is this what my life has come too!?) anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this little “catch up over coffee.”
I’m honestly interested in making a ~vlog~ of a week in my life but the sound of hearing my own voice in video over a miniute can make me hold back, we shall see!
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
september 2020 moodboard
Since we are already well into a week of September already, it's about time I post my mood-board of the month! It's obvious as a Floridian that I do not get to experience the beauty of the leaves change, instead I get to experience heat, rain, and potentially hurricane season... but I digress. Pretty soon I will be getting my fall fix when I head back up to the north east next month, I can hardly wait! I drew my inspiration for this months mood-board off of some fall trends that I've been swooning over recently. Something about the change in weather that really amplifies anyones wardrobe ahah.
I don't know if it's because of this new season of "fall" that we are entering into or what that i'm just excited for whats to come, despite all that is going on around me haha. I don't have any major plans for this new month, but my only goal is to finally become set with my new life schedule. Playing the balancing act between work, school, blog, sleep, and still maintaining to have a bit of a social life is, well, a lot to say the least. Over the I've been waking up at 6am to try to manage to squeeze in all my daily responsibilities.... ahh the reality of adulthood! Lets see how long I can keep this up for ahah!
Hope you all are having a new and refreshing perspective for this new month and season ahead of us, enjoy!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
summer 2020 recap
I believe that is important to reflect a season of your life when it is racing to the finish line, especially when you have tons of time to do so. The end of a semester, a relationship, or even the ending to the newest show you’ve been binging, it's healthy for your own personal growth to go back and put into perspective all the possible take aways from that stage in your life. This summer was unconventional to say the least, clearly not at all what I was anticipating on. I don’t think the phrase “man plans; God laughed” has even been used this much BEFORE 2020, because God was hysterically laughing at all the meticulous little plans i had created for this time of my life BIG TIME. Obviously i'm not the only one who had things change this summer due to COVID, the world has been going through it.
Summer 2020 plans pre Covid:
To give you all a bit of a brief back story of my plans for this summer, this was the summer that I would have spent in Manhattan interning and pretending as if i'm the female version of Donald Draper (well, the good qualities of his impressive work ethic & king of advertising that is haha). It would’ve been fabulous to say the least, even if it was having to be the coffee runner for the office. Ever since I started college I always planned on interning the summer right before my last year of school. Once COVID shut everything down I spent a huge chuck of time back at my parents home living a majority of my days exactly like the previous during the q.
On the bright side...
Dispute the fact that i was living in groundhog Day, I was thankful for the time period forced to give a good and hard look upon my life to reflect on the past few months and year to give myself more of a foundation of how I want to be better transitions out of this season. A better friend, a better sister, student, to be kinder, more of a listener, you name it. Not to mention, I started adding way more value to the normal, mundane aspects of my life. Sounds lame, but I missed getting all dressed up even if it’s just to go out to dinner and drinks with some friends. This has always been a source of creativity within my life and without having that or even putting in any effort just kinda made me feel dull and bleh.
With getting tested a few times to make sure I didn’t have rona or anyone within my little circle, I did find myself traveling WITH GOOD CAUTION, this summer. For years me and my friends always have these huge dreams of us going out of town for the summer, but with all of our different prior commitments, things always get pushed off to the side. For the first time in well... years we put our money where our mouth is. #couplesretreat in sunny sanibel hahah and then celebrated Mary’s 21st birthday extravaganza at the SLS Miami Beach (which we lived WAY above our means that weekend... it was worth it.)
One of the biggest highlights from this summer was my trip up north with my family, off the grid in Maine. It was beautiful, don’t get me wrong, days leading up to it I was absolutely apprehensive about being in the middle of such a desolate location for over a week. Once we got there and all of our family started arriving, I now long for those days. It’s funny how within only a few hours, my life in south Florida feels like a. completely different world. Nights filled with lobster, laughter and memories that I wouldn’t trade for anything.
To wrap things up..
I know how this post can possibly sound like a litany of my complaints, but if it wasn't for this global pandemic, I hate to say it, but I wouldn't have valued and appreciated these different facets in my life that have always been such a strong constant within my life. I have always held such a weight of importance with my family, friends and self, but getting this chunk of time to take a leap back and put things into perspective was, dare I say, a blessing in disguise??
Hope this last stretch of 2020 can cut us some slack lol!!
Alsoooooo to shop my fit from my instagram post click the links below!!

Monday, August 10, 2020
new apartment wishlist

Sunday, August 2, 2020
august mood board
Happy August Everyone!! It's crazy to think in just a few weeks I'll be starting to get ready to go back to school.... well, virtually that is. Obviously, this year is gonna be unlike any other, my university is choosing to have our entire fall semester fully online. It's funny to think back to the beginning of quarantine and thinking that things will be all better by the start of the school year.. .haha. I can only cross my fingers and hope for the best for this upcoming fall semester due to all of its uncertainty.
I know I mentioned in my previous post about how time seems almost... intangible these considering how quickly each day post "q" are passing right along. August has always been a weird month though, the dog days of summer, the bridge between holding on to the fun of it all while having to mentally prepare to go back to school haha.
Even though I always dread this month to the enth degree, tons of my family members and friends are all celebrating their birthdays in August, after all it is #leoszn. With the start of a new month always brings with it a sense of a rebirth and celebration of new beginnings as well as a chance to start fresh and have a clean slate moving forward.
In May, I shared with you all my "moodboard" for that month, I had so much fun with creating it that I think I should install this little segment for every month on my blog! I hope you all enjoy my August mood board, hey even make it your wallpaper if you feel the need to!
I hope this month brings a new perspective as well as promises to all of you! See ya!
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
what to pack: a weekend getaway

Thursday, July 16, 2020
sanibel recap!
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
summer soundtrack!
I'm that nut job that takes serious pride and joy into each and every one of my Spotify playlists. Allow me to be dramatic for a second and say I love that thing as though it was one of my own haha. I think i've share on here before how it's been like my "audio diary" ever since my sophomore year of high school. It's fascinating to look back at a moment in the past and become completely transported to my mood as of that time. Soooo, I thought I'd share with you all the soundtrack of my summer thus far, after-all i'll constantly be updating it during this season! Perfect for catching a vibe down by the
beach, or blasting this playlist one summer night drive with your friends. Enjoyyy!
Saturday, June 27, 2020
june favorites
Friday, May 29, 2020
my favorite healthy banana pancake recipe!
I would totally, undoubtedly, wholeheartedly vote to notion eating breakfast for every meal of the day day. What more could you ever want, some avocado toast, oatmeal, pancakes... it would be a DREAM I TELL YOU! Until that weird election day ever comes to reality, I'll stay scouting out new recipes to spice up (my favorite) and most important meal of the day. Already over quarantine i've whipped up these deliciously fluffy and irresistible pancakes, and let me tell ya, this is already my new favorite recipe by far! Watch out Martha Stewart, by the end of quarantine I might just be coming for your job title with all this cooking and baking under my belt haha!
Oh, how could I forget to mention the best part of these delicious little breakfast treats, they are gluten and dairy free! Yes, you heard me! Go ahead, grab seconds, thirds, without all of the guilt! This recipe is perfect for you to be able have your cake, and eat it too without feeling gross with anything overly processed and unhealthy entering your body! To try some of this yummy goodness for yourself follow the instructions down below!
Thursday, May 28, 2020
21 things i've learned before 21
Even though it's been a few months since my 21st birthday, I've been sitting on this post for some time now because I wanted to get it right, it required more thought on my end to put into words the most valuable life tidbits that I have learned up until this stage of my life. Obviously, by no means do I have life completely figured out, it's typically evident that I'm not even remotely close to having it all together haha, anyways I comprised a list of little life advice that hones into one of the most impactful life lessons that I have learned and made me to who I am today! Enjoy!!
Friday, May 8, 2020
school recap
Monday, May 4, 2020
may mood board
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
mothers day gift guide 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020
what's kept me sane during quarantine
Maybe Elle Woods was right after all when she infamously states "exercise gives you endorphines, endorphins make you happy..." well you know the rest (If you don't i'm a bit disappointed haha.) Midway through high school I decided to take up running as a way to keep me active considering I was starting to slow down with dance and I was far from playing on any D1 sports team. For hating the thought of even having to even jog my whole life, I thought I was nuts but kept pressing on to at least run for 15 minutes, one mile, etc. until I built up the stamina, and dare I say it now brings me enjoyment?!
Over the years i've learned that by stepping out for my daily run has not only kept me in shape, but has allowed me to indulge in some "me time" which. Carving an hour of my day to shut off the world around me, no matter what may be going on in my personal life or within the world around me is something that I look forward too. Just me, some good music, and all that is around me. The little time spent of escapism through running has been extremely important throughout the years, not to mention it's been very beneficial in my overall mental health.
Now listen, I'm not suggesting that everyone should take up running, but find some activity that you enjoy, it could be biking, yoga, walking, dancing ,I don't know anything you name it!! My hobby of running has kept my sane during this madness and uncertain times we are all living in. So especially in these quarantine times, take pride in those little activities that make you happy and try to work on them more and more each day, trust me it'll be worth it!
Thursday, April 16, 2020
my best kept secret!
Never in a million YEARS would I have imagined myself as the effortless "girl next door" kinda individual. You know what i'm talking about, that cool, L.A vibe girl who just shows up in jeans and a tee to go grab an IPA brew with the boys yet still manages to look so effortlessly chic in jeans and a simple tee shirt. That was until I came upon the worlds best jeans, and you will never believe where they are from! I've always had such a hatred towards those denim pants. Every pair i've owned up until now have been stiff, uncomfortable, to tight, or just downright farty looking on me. I thought in order to go for the look I wanted to achieve I'd have to shell up over hundreds of dollars in order to find the right pair.
Alright, alright, I guess it's time for me to "spill the beans" on my favorite pair of jeans... sorry I just had too! Drum roll please....my go-to pair of jeans are from Ann Taylor LOFT, yes you heard me, LOFT! I'm sure we have all been dragged into that store by our mothers for them to try on work appropriate outfits, next time that happens to you go and try a pair of their jeans on, you wouldn't regret it! They are as soft as butter and their sizes fit incredibly. They feel expensive! I am on the more petite, shorter side and I didn't even have to get them altered, or even have to wear a belt to keep them from falling!
Another bonus is that they always have amazing deals! Loft is currently running a 70% off promotional on your first purchase than 50% off everything else! How could you pass up such an offer! With this new discovery of mine, do I dare say that I have become that "girl next door?" Still gotta stay true to myself and stick my drink of choice, a vodka soda (with extra lime) any day before an IPA though! Down below I linked a few of my favorite styles they currently have in stock! Hope you all will be just as transformed as I am!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020
updated makeup routine!
After some time, I finally buckled down to film my updated makeup routine! Like I mention in the video, I am clearly not a makeup artist or pro by any means, this is just what works for me and the products that I love that I hope you all will love just as much as I do! I linked the products I used in the description of the video, hope you all are hanging in there.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
quaretine playlist
During this weird, strange time we are currently living in, one of the ways I've found a way to lift my spirits is through the power of music. No surprise here, considering I create playlists for legit every month of my life since 2015 or so (which you can check out through my spotify!) So I thought I'd make one for this time in all of our lives! My "corona-cation" playlist has a little sprinkle of everything. Nothing too crazy, or too mellow you could fall asleep too. (Obviously, if you wanna take a nap to this, by all means go right ahead.) I hope you all enjoy my curated a playlist of vibey, chill, easy listens to help make this unsettling time feel a bit better, enjoy!
my "new" routine
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
keep it quaran-cozy!
It's no surprise that i'm ever so quickly losing my mind due to being in complete social isolation. If you've been keeping up with my instagram stories, i'm sure you are more than familiar by now that i'm at the brink of losing my mind. An extroverts worse nightmare ahah. I guess I can find comfort in the fact that the whole world is feeling more or less the same manic feelings that I am experiences.
Jokes aside It is extremely important to stay in and be mindful of those around you so we can quickly flatten this curb once and for all and jump right back into our regularly scheduled programming. Until then, veg out, work out, whatever you need to do to keep your sanity during these quarantine times. I have noticed even in times of my life when I feel down, the slightest bit of effort in my look or even doing my hair or makeup dramatically changes my mood for the better.
I'm not a huge proponent for getting all dolled up just to stay in though, but I am a huge fan of loungeware. Yes, you heard me, not pajamas, loungewear. (Ok, i'm aware it's all the same thing but loungeware just has this certain... je n'ais ce quoi to it.) You don't have to compromise feeling cute about yourself just to completely bum around in the same oversized tee you've worn to bed the past 4 years, now more than ever we all need some major self love. In efforts to guide you all in the right cozy direction, I pulled a few of my favorite, most cozy loungewear items that will have you looking cute and feeling "quaran-cozy" during this strange time!