Wednesday, March 25, 2020

keep it quaran-cozy!

It's no surprise that i'm ever so quickly losing my mind due to  being in complete social isolation. If you've been keeping up with my instagram stories, i'm sure you are more than familiar by now that i'm at the brink of losing my mind. An extroverts worse nightmare ahah. I guess I can find comfort in the fact that the whole world is feeling more or less the same manic feelings that I am experiences.

Jokes aside It is extremely important to stay in and be mindful of those around you so we can quickly flatten this curb once and for all and jump right back into our regularly scheduled programming. Until then, veg out, work out, whatever you need to do to keep your sanity during these quarantine times. I have noticed even in times of my life when I feel down, the slightest bit of effort in my look or even doing my hair or makeup dramatically changes my mood for the better.

I'm not a huge proponent for getting all dolled up just to stay in though, but I am a huge fan of loungeware. Yes, you heard me, not pajamas, loungewear. (Ok, i'm aware it's all the same thing but loungeware just has this certain... je n'ais ce quoi to it.) You don't have to compromise feeling cute about yourself just to completely bum around in the same oversized tee you've worn to bed the past 4 years, now more than ever we all need some major self love. In efforts to guide you all in the right cozy direction, I pulled a few of my favorite, most cozy loungewear items that will have you looking cute and feeling "quaran-cozy" during this strange time!

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