Monday, May 13, 2019

to new beginnings!

So, sophomore year of college is officially in the books! It's kinda obvious I've been putting posting on the blog on the back burner of things I need to get done, this past month has just required so much out of me between studying for finals and trying to transfer schools. Gah. That's another story I should probably update you all on. A little news flash too, no matter what it may seem like on the gram, we all kinda don't have it all together and that's sort of comforting that we are all in this together and learning as we grow! 

Most of the time I tend to find myself living in my own fantasyland where everything in my mind consist of all things good, you know rainbows and gumdrops sort of mentality, which isn't a bad thing BUT GOSH, I CAN BE SO OBLIVIOUS TO REALITY, LIKE WAKE UP FROM DAYDREAMING JILLIAN! I must give a special shout out to my mom for always bringing me back down to reality. I such a pisces lol. Long story short, I found myself not registered for classes at both FAU or UCF (I'm waiting for all my grades to be posted before sending out my application.)

 Registration? oh I don't need to do that, I'm gonna get in for the fall and their is no doubt about it! I would repeat this to myself. It wasn't until the felling of unease for the unknown kicked in and I had to quickly get my shi together and come up with a back up plan! I frantically met with my advisor and I'm still blowing her her email like a loon, but now rest assured I have something to fall back on if things don't work out! To be honest, the feeling of uncertainty bugs me beyond believe, but what I've learned through all of this mess to rest on the promise that wherever I may end up, is where i'm meant to be! 

I'm making a self promise to myself that wherever I may end up at, I will make the most out of these next two years before I graduate. During all of this, it was so easy to just beat myself up over not knowing where I should be at, where I should be living, etc. but I've came to the realization that I can do absolutely nothing about the decisions I made in the past, no matter how hard I dwell on them. But what I can do is to only go forward and make the most of any situation presented to me! 

Now that my TedTalk is officially over lol... I'm so excited summer is here! One by one my friends are coming back home and we've solidified that we must make this a summer the best one yet! One last summer of fun and not having major responsibilities to weigh us down. I'm overjoyed for the new experiences, new adventures, new friendships and new opportunities with this season ahead of me! 

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