Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Jack Rogers Looking a Little Ruff?

Hi Everyone!

So recently I came across a little "D.I.Y" project while scrolling through Pinterest, how to clean your Jack Roger sandals! If your anything like me, you practically live in those shoes, but still wanting to make them look as if you just got them. I have to admit, before I tried this I was a bit skeptical with the DIY (after all, everyone has seen countless "Pinterest Fails" and I didn't want to be one of them!) But to my surprise it didn't turn out half bad, down below I have shared the before and after photos,  directions and materials for you to try this out for yourself!

p.s: Don't expect your sandals to come out looking perfect, but it does make a huge difference!



-Saddel Soap (I found mine at my local grocery store but target carries it as well!)
- A Rag
- A Unused Toothbrush


What To Do: 

1. Dampen Your towel and rub down and the soles from your shoes from heal to toe

2. Apply the saddle soap to your toothbrush and scrub the areas that need to be clean. Repeat as many times as necessary

3. Finish off by wiping over the soles of your shoes with a damp rag again.

4. Let your shoes dry



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